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RMG    等级  

楼主 发表于  2014/5/12 16:00:12    编 辑   

About RMG Selection (罗迈国际商务咨询)
Professional – RMG has the best recruitment consultant in Asia Pacific
Branding – RMG is interviewed by 300 + media worldwide
Consistent – RMG has unique training bible and twice a week live training
Culture – Work hard, play hard! 5 times RMG outing per year
What’s your job as an IT Intern ( IT 实习生)?
    RMG网站维护和更新
    协助公司内网设置和建设
    公司相关宣传,活动视频制作
    更新维护人才数据库data base
    帮助公司同事解决电脑方面的问题
    按照规定格式修改人才简历
Do you meet our requirements?
    我们欢迎工作认真的童鞋(有驾照,会开车的男生优先)
    熟悉word,excel, outlook,ppt等办公软件的操作
    如果你想拥有一段优质的实习经历,那么要保证每周4-5天的工作日并持续3个月以上
    流利的英语口语和书面交流能力

Interested and apply?
If you are interested in full-time job or internship in RMG, find more about on by watching “One day or RMGer” on Youku http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjM0Mjc0MjI4.html Send your updated CV to linda.gao@rmgselection.com or if you want to become one of us!
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