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IBM GTS 北京岗位暑期实习开始招聘啦!
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楼主 发表于  2014/4/22 15:17:12    编 辑   

IBM GTS 北京岗位暑期实习开始招聘啦!
全球信息科技服务部 Global Technology Services
  IBM全球信息科技服务部是世界最大的信息科技服务暨咨询提供商,全球IT服务的领导者。作为IT服务概念的第一个实践者和传播 者,IBM全球信息科技服务部一直处于全球IT服务市场的前沿,协助企业用智慧缔造智慧,共建智慧的地球,从而更为敏锐地感知市场变化,并能随之进行自身 调整,获得独特竞争优势。
  在中国,IBM全球信息科技服务部是IT服务范围最广的供应商,拥有庞大的服务网络和高效的执行能力,在北京、天津、深圳设有网络数据中心, 在深圳、上海、大连设有服务交付中心,在北京设有技术支持中心,拥有800客户服务热线和覆盖全国2000多个城市及区县的维护支持网络,能够在全国范围内统一协调分配服务资源。其员工已经超过2000人,并且以每年15%的速度业务增长量,为中国客户提供信息科技服务。
IT Specialist Intern (ITS)
Job Description:
IT Specialists (ITS) is a key profession role in GTS group, they will support IT infrastructure from consultant, design, implementation, architecture optimization and solution design to clients across China, and system integration in delivering high quality solutions to clients in response to varying business requirements. IT Specialists (ITS) will provide product support, troubleshooting and analysis assistance on installation, usage, configuration, performance tuning and development, provide solution design and infrastructure optimization to customer by combining technical expertise, advanced product experience, best practice and IT service insight, support and implement solution in complex environment, and collaborate with Other IBM teams to achieve project target. It will mostly focus on service technical support; ITS Role will help you develop as Professional IT consultant, IT Architecture, Project Manager and Technical Sales in the future.
Product Services Intern-Systems Services Representative (SSR)
Job Description
System Services Rep (SSR) is a key profession role in GTS group, they will support IBM IT product in hardware and operation system service for installation, maintenance, problem analysis and repairing in delivering high quality service to clients in response to varying business requirements. They will also be responsible for account management to develop positive relationships with customer to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. Tasks performed require IT hardware, operation system, and network skill. It will mostly focus on after-sales service and technical support, SSR Role will help you develop as Professional IT Product Expert, Project Manager, and Technical Sales in future.

IBM GTS实习生招聘已于4月11日在全国范围内全面启动啦,网申截至日期为5月11日。欢迎2015年的本科,硕士踊跃报名和参与!同时更有机会被邀请参加4月底在IBM北京公司的开放日活动哦,不仅可以近距离的接触IBM,更能赢得现场面试机会哦!

IBM校园招聘官方微博:@IBM校园招聘微博 weibo.com/2012ibmcampus

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