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【RMG Selection罗迈国际】招行政专员
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楼主 发表于  2013/9/17 18:11:14    编 辑   

Title          行政专员
Job Category    人力资源
Location       北京

RMG Selection is one of the fastest growing and most successful recruitment brands in mainland China today. Owned and led by a pioneer of international recruitment in mainland China, RMG’s management team has combined experience of over 50 years as well as employing highly experienced recruiting experts who all work together as one team. With over 377,000 web search results, and hundreds of media interviews, RMG’s media, marketing and PR support is arguably the best in the business, see for yourself. RMG takes training very seriously too: your own training ‘bible’; over 100 training videos; combined with two ‘live’ training sessions per week will help you achieve your goals. Last, and by no-means least RMG offers a great compensation system in including a generous base salary, commission with no pay-back, and team bonuses. Did your company take the top performers to Thailand last year? RMG did! (not to mention at least 6 other team-building events. In short: we want the best, and if you perform well, we’ll treat you like the best.

Role Description:
• 维护公司环境及物品,负责企业资产配置(包括办公设备、办公用品)的管理工作,包括清点、维护、登记等
• 协助上级掌握公司办公用品供应状况,及时安排采购;
• 开发并维护公司各类供应商关系
• 管理公司各类数据库及报表
• 客户及候选人往来接待
• 负责招聘职位发布及相关联系
• 负责公司各类员工培训的组织安排
• 帮助建立积极的员工关系协调员工与管理层的关系组织策划员工的各类活动;
• 协助组织企业文化建设工作,包括公司庆典、年会安排、会务组织、文体活动安排等
• 负责公司□□人事行政职责
Person Description:
• 大专及以上学历,人力资源或行政管理相关专业者优先
• 经验不限,欢迎广大北京的应届毕业生
• 能熟练操作MS office办公软件及各类办公用品
• 具有独立发现,分析以及解决问题的能力
• 良好的团队协作能力以及高度的责任心与职业道德
• 具有良好的英语听说读写能力

有意向从事人事以及行政工作者可发送中英文简历至 application@rmgselection.com或垂电咨询 58962211

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