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【实习】Polycom 招聘Software Engineering Intern
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Polycom    等级  

楼主 发表于  2013/7/30 10:41:50    编 辑   

Software Engineering Intern  
Polycom is an industry leader on unified communications and has world-class R&D center in Beijing. The Beijing center plays a critical role inside Polycom and has full ownership of key world-wide products.  
At Polycom, we are on a journey to transform how the world collaborates, as well as how our employees experience their work lives. Our values are at the core of Polycom’s transformation and we know the evolution of our company depends on individuals who believe in and act upon these values.  
We are seeking exceptional interns to join our software development team. If you are passionate about technology, good at programming, and want to give your career an early jump start, then Polycom is the right place! Polycom provide you the environment to be surrounded by top-notch engineers and develop industry leading products with them. You will have plenty opportunities to learn and grow.  
The prerequisite is that the candidate must ensure full time work (4-5 days/week) at Polycom in the timeframe for at least 6 months  
a. MS student in telecommunications or computer science is preferred.  
b. Good programming and debugging skill in C/C++ and Matlab is required.  
c. Strong knowledge and research experience in image or video signal processing is required.  
d. Good English skill is preferred.  
Knowledge in one or more areas listed below  
a.  Audio/image/video signal processing  
b.  Audio or video DSP knowledge  
c.  Graphic user interface development  
如果您对以上职位有兴趣,请投递简历至 Cathy.Cui@polycom.com  
请将标题和简历附件均已以下格式命名:Name-Mobile Phone Number-C Software Engineer-Intern-Source  
例如:Zhang San-1862247xxxx-C Software Engineer-Intern-BJUT BBS 
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