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急招!思博伦通信科技(北京)有限公司急招sales admin intern
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思博伦    等级  

楼主 发表于  2013/4/19 10:18:30    编 辑   

所属行业:通信  公司性质:外资   所在部门: Sales
有意者请发简历到 : jingchang.ma@spirent.com , 简历命名格式:sales intern—姓名—年级—学校。
Major Responsibilities:
1. Support the Sales Director, Sales Manager in their daily tasks.
2. Assist to fulfill the general office Administration
3. Deal with some invoice handing work.
4. Coordinate with sales team and keep every sales orders in clear file as well as relevant technical info in well order;
5. Sales order delivery arrangement including the recording / packing / shipping etc.
6. Assist sales in assistance in general office work and reception.
7. Keep close contact with sales team, like documentation request, payment and delivery issues etc

Qualifications Desired:
1. Commercial or foreign trade related major is preferred
2. Good oral and written communication skills in both English and Mandarin.

Required Skills (Hardware, Software, Machine operations, etc.):
1. Out-going and result-oriented, team player;
2. Fluent in both written and spoken English;
3. Good personality and interpersonal communication skills;
4. Good computer skills, such as PPT, Word and Excel, etc.
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