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Amazon China Elite SDE Summer Intern 2012 Recruiti
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楼主 发表于  2012/4/11 17:45:08    编 辑   

Amazon-Software Development Engineer Intern
Elite SDE Intern Summer Camp 2012

- Do you want to work on a global platform with a world-class team?
- Are you excited to resolve the problems and love to confront the challenges, like distributed systems reliability and scalability?
- Would you like to experience how the most customer-centric company on the earth is working and be part of the history?

You must choose AMAZON and work with us!


• Define software requirements, scope, architecture, and design
• Drive technology choice for business and innovation
• Serve as key technical resource in the full development cycle, end-to-end, from design, implementation, testing, to deployment, documentation, and maintenance
• Develop and test code. Perform bug fixes
• Work with Amazon’s global development teams as needed


• Full-time college students with Computer Science/Computer Engineering degree (or related technical discipline) (postgraduate preferred)
• Enthusiasm in solving interesting problems
• Passion to innovate and simplify
• Programming experience in C++/Java with strong OO design skills and experience in relational database design and application development.
• Knowledge of SQL, database, Unix/Linux
• Projects experience preferred
• Strong English skills

- Testing
- Web Application
- Search Engine
- Backend Systems
You could submit your CV through cn-tech-intern@amazon.com. We are expecting to build the bright future along with you.

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