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楼主 发表于  2019/3/6 12:45:47    编 辑   

  One day five fishermen go fishing. They are lucky. Each fisherman gets a big fish. “What a fine supper we will have!” says one fisherman. “Now let‘s go home.” “Are we all here? Let me count first,” says another. “One, two, three, four. Oh, no! One of us is missing!”“It cannot be!” says another. So he begins to count. “One, two, three, four. I see four fishermen too! One of us has drowned!”All the fishermen hug each other. They cry and cry.
  Just then a little girl comes by. “Why are you so sad?” she asks them. “One fisherman is missing,” says one fisherman. “One, two, three, four,” he counts again.The little girl sees his mistake right away. The fisherman forgets to count himself. “Will you give me your fish if I find your friend?” she asks. “Yes! Yes!” they say.
  “Now jump into the river one at a time,” the little girl tells them. “And I will count you.” Splash! Splash... The fishermen jump into the river one by one. One! Two! Three! Four! Five!“Five!” the fishermen shout, “We found our lost friend!” The fishermen give the little girl all their fish. They have no fish for supper. But they are all together and happy again.
  1.()One day five fishermen go hunting.
  2.()Each fisherman is lucky to get a small fish.
  3.()The fishermen give the little girl all their fish at last.
  4.()I like painting, so my parents took me to the Japan Pavilion (日.本.馆) to see the famous paintings.
  friend, fisherman, fish, foot, photo, potato, parent
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